The Future of Low-Code Automation Platform: The Codeless Approach

ashutosh kalbande
4 min readJul 21, 2022

It has been quite a long process followed in developing each software application before they came to light. This conventional method of approach in developing software also involved long hours of highly sophisticated coding done by an experienced technical team.

Repeated attempts and hours of testing are implemented to detect errors. Then rectification of the same happens, which is a long cycle that every software application must go through so that a better, error-free version of the software application comes out.

The Future of Low-Code Automation Platform: The Codeless Approach

However, low-code automation and low-code development technology have made it easier to overcome this conundrum and become the future of software development.

Let us see how and why.

Low-Code Automation: The Future Of Software

Low-code automation has swept off the entire industry and its age-old rule book for developing software. It doesn’t need lengthy and exhaustive coding to start. Resources can be spent as minimally as one can spend them.

With such minimal efforts and resources, a rational thinker could have questions of quality and depth of the product. The quality is, undoubtedly, the best. With a low-code platform like DEW Studio, high and profound conceptual ideas can be turned into beautiful software application realities at superior quality.

Coding languages are not at all necessary for developing a software platform now. With low-code tools, you do need to contact or hire a highly qualified technical team to bring your idea to fruition. Without anyone’s help, without any previous coding knowledge or experience, you can create a software application by just using the best low-code development platform.

The features of low-code platform are:

  • Remove the code underlying complicated ideas and steps.
  • Optimize how projects are dispersed in weeks rather than months.
  • Easy for anyone to create apps.
  • It automates the mobile app development cycle by offering reusable building blocks.
  • Drag-and-drop interfaces
  • Cross-Platform compatibility
  • Security and Scalability

Low-code/no code platform has simplified the industry for the best!

The Collective Future of Low-Code Development and the Industry

Low-code technology is garnering so much importance that it is almost impossible to dissect its future from that of the entire industry. Low-code automation platforms will become an intrinsic part of the software industry.

Some facts and figures:

  • According to IDC FutureScape, the technological era estimates more than 500 million apps and web-based services that will be developed and implemented by the end of 2023, which is far more than all software products developed in the previous four decades.
  • According to Gartner, by 2024, low-code utilization will account for 75% of all software products built globally. While it will not completely take over traditional software development, it will cultivate a more straightforward and faster approach to mobile app development.
  • Another report by Gartner says that people working in non-tech fields will generate 80% of the technology products and services by 2024. It also states that hyper automation will grow exponentially in the coming 3 years.

The power of simplicity of the low-code solution lays the foundations for a better and brighter future in the software industry — a future where every inspiring thought can become a reality solving the societal needs at large.

A low code no code technology with its power of simplicity changed this for the best. Now, no software developer exhausts themselves in creating an app.

DEW Studio is a low-code software development platform that has all these functionalities. It saves 50% of the total development duration and expense in creating automated applications.

Understanding the change, the Low-code Platform has made

Why is a low code app development platform so simple to use? Low-code software uses a graphical and visual interface that allows anyone to access it easily. Low-code technology has pre-set templates and building blocks that can be used to create an application you wish to create. Then, you can customize everything using simple steps to suit your requirements.

To handle it, you do not need to wait for software developers or a technical team. You can do that all by yourself, irrespective of your previous experience. With low code app development platforms, resources and workforce utilization, time spent, and complications involved are minimal to negligible. Earlier, software development was not done in this manner.

Low code/No coding technology takes the heavy burden off the software industry of the business users and the stakeholders. It has also removed work stress from the developers and technical teams across the industry.

Futuristic Low code/No Code technology brightens the software industry’s future

Low code development software and the software industry’s future are deeply intertwined. The software industry will have a reduced risk and effect of redundancy thanks to low-code platforms such as DEW Studio. The cut-down software development costs can now be transferred to strengthen other areas and functions of the enterprise.

Thus, Low code /No Code technology is providing a holistic advancement path for the whole software industry to reap benefits in the long run.

Experience the power of low code at DEW Studio! Get a free demo Now!

